Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease effected 30 Million Americans in 2012 and is projected to rise to 160 Million by the year 2050.  Most of the people suffering as well as their caretakers believe there is no stopping this insidious condition.  They are often told by physicians that aside from a few drugs that claim to slow its progress (which their effectiveness is circumspect) that there is no cure.  Most physicians, psychologists, neurologists, and other specialists are still of the mind that there is no hope– and until four years ago, they would be correct.

In this era of modern medicine, it is hard to think that we have still not found a cure for the third leading cause of death in the United State; a condition that effects more woman than even Breast Cancer.  Alzheimer’s disease continues to not only be the leading cause of cognitive decline, but is often considered by many to be part of the natural aging process.  Dr. Dale Bredesen finally reverse engineered the disease, identified subtypes, and most importantly, developed a method to treat them.  His treatment protocol is called “ReCODE” which stands for the “Reversal of Cognitive Decline.”  This is the primary treatment methodology used at Aris Health & Wellness.

What to Expect with the Alzheimer’s ReCODE Protocol

Aris Health & Wellness follows the ReCODE (Reversal of Cognitive Decline) protocol.  The protocol is individualized for each patient based upon biomarker indicators and Alzheimer’s subtype.  Broadly speaking, th ere are three phases of treatment: identify the Alzheimer’s subtype, addressing the factors contributing to the cognitive decline, and “tune-up” training for the brain.  Below, we break down the more specific steps to manage client expectations:  At Aris we strongly recommend that the patient bring a close family member or friend who will be assisting with the lifestyle changes recommended in the session. 

Here’s what to expect when you call to set up an appointment for Alzheimer's Disease:
 (Hover Over an Image For More Info)
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