Roughly 17.4 million Americans have suffered at least one major depressive episode during his/her life. The bigger question is: what is depression? Like any mental condition, there is a number of symptoms that correlate with “depression” but the symptoms are varying, which leads to a variety of presentations. For example, overeating and undereating are both symptoms of “depression.” So are over-sleeping and sleeping less than usual. How can this be the case?
The truth is, what we call “depression” is truly a number of unique conditions. “Depression” is really an umbrella term for a set of ailments, each with their own symptoms and physical implications. There are a number of factors that correlate with these subtypes of Depression: nutritional deficit, circadian dysregulation, low grade fever, just to name a few.
By identifying the subtype of Depression and the physical implications related to the condition, it is much easier to take a holistic approach from a mind-body standpoint to return you to your old self.